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Every industrial company benefits from maintenance software: The applications reduce machine downtime, increase productivity and lower maintenance costs. We provide tips on what to look for when choosing maintenance software and introduce you to products that have proven themselves in the industry.
In many plants, equipment has been in use for years and maintenance processes have not been adjusted for years. Paper documentation, Outlook folders and Excel lists form a confusing web of information.
“Why invest in new maintenance software? The previous procedure works, doesn’t it?” With this attitude, companies delay high initial investments in new technology, but the approach is short-sighted. Because with modern maintenance software, companies increase their efficiency in any case and save far more in the long term than they spent on implementation.
Only with specialized software can companies Smart Maintenance implement smart maintenance, i.e., perform predictive and planned maintenance on equipment before problems occur. This avoids sudden and expensive shutdowns that cost revenue by the minute. The service life of the equipment as a whole can also be significantly increased through the use of maintenance software.
If the maintenance software supports Augmented reality technicians can complete jobs much faster because they can see the necessary instructions and checklists directly in their field of vision. Unlike before, they do not have to interrupt their work to search for information or documentation. This reduces maintenance time by up to 25 percent on average. Extrapolated over the year as a whole, this is an enormous productivity gain that quickly pays for the initial investment.
Last but not least, the combination of analog paper records and various digital tools is intransparent and makes knowledge transfer difficult. If an employee quits or is absent due to illness, colleagues have a hard time finding information. At the very least, they need considerably longer for processes because they do not intuitively find their way around the system. With the help of maintenance software, the tangle of analog and digital processes can be unified and simplified, making the Maintenance robust against personnel and organizational changes.
Digitization is changing all areas of business. Maintenance is no exception: If you want to avoid competitive disadvantages, you should gradually digitize your internal processes.
Companies that decide to implement maintenance software are spoilt for choice, however, because the market of providers is confusing. Market leaders are not always the best choice. The decisive factor is the company’s individual requirements. What is the budget for the maintenance software? Which specific challenge should the application primarily solve? Which processes should be mapped digitally?
However, every software for maintenance should have some features to ensure that the investment is future-proof.
Make sure that your new maintenance software can be used with your existing applications without any problems and that interfaces to relevant systems such as CRM or ERP are available.
Only when employees intuitively find their way around the software for maintenance will the efficiency benefits you hope for arise. Instead of overloaded interfaces, only necessary functions should be displayed, depending on the end device or authorization. In order not to unnecessarily disrupt established processes, digitization in maintenance should take place gradually. Can you extend the application according to the modular principle? Can you start small and keep costs down?
If you want to reap the benefits of digitization, you can’t avoid mobile maintenance. So that service technicians can also Remote support you should choose a cloud application where the data can be accessed from anywhere and at any time in real time. Does your company operate multiple sites? Cross-location evaluations are done in a few clicks with cloud applications.
Want to learn more about the benefits of maintenance software? Feel free to give us a call.
Mobile maintenance also includes the remote software is not only offered as a web or browser version. A mobile app is mandatory today and should be available in design and functionality for tablet, Head Mounted Displays and smartphones be optimized. In this context, the app should offer features that go beyond the web application and pure planning, but support maintenance work. Examples are remote support, voice input or time recording.
In industry, smart Smart Glasses no longer a niche phenomenon. They are among the cheapest digital helpers, but they achieve amazing efficiency effects. Professional maintenance software supports the use of AR glasses or offers AR functionalities in their app as standard.
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The digital transformation of maintenance is not a sprint. If your company is still at the very beginning of digitization, you have different priorities than companies that have already digitized many areas and are now looking for maintenance software to standardize, accelerate and improve processes here as well.
At ALEGER, we come into contact with many different companies that specifically want to add AR functionality to their maintenance. Therefore, we have a good overview of the market and know which maintenance software delivers what it promises.
If you are looking for a digital support that supports your current processes in a cost-efficient and effective way, EvoAssist is the right choice. If you want to successively digitize your processes comprehensively, it is worth considering the implementation of Workheld.
With the EvoAssist application, Knowhow wearers can record repair or maintenance instructions in photo or video format via smartphone, tablet or AR glasses. Less experienced colleagues can access these visual work instructions via a mobile device and be guided through their assignment. Expert knowledge is thus no longer lost. It can be passed on as training-on-the-job, language-independent and intuitive. New employees thus make fewer mistakes and reach the performance level of experienced colleagues more quickly.
Workheld is a comprehensive cloud platform that enables companies to optimize not only their maintenance, but also processes in manufacturing, assembly and customer service using the latest technology. In the maintenance module, you can manage your equipment and tools and plan technician assignments. They can use their mobile app to call up checklists and documents for their assignment, document working times and record measured values.
With ALEGER we offer a cost-effective complete solution for your entry into remote maintenance, which includes the most common applications.
Companies that do not manage their maintenance with the help of up-to-date maintenance software are giving away productivity and thus revenue. Only with the right software for maintenance can plants be operated longer, production lines be optimally utilized and personnel be deployed more effectively.
Gradual digitization is easy on the budget and at the same time has the advantage of minimizing disruptions to ongoing processes. And initial successes can already be achieved with small digital additions, such as the use of smart glasses. In the long term, however, no company can avoid a fundamental digitization of its maintenance in order to secure its own competitiveness.
Of course, you can contact ALEGER for information about the best software for maintenance. We will be happy to advise you on the selection and areas of application.
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